Archive for 2012

These are a few of my favourite....lists.

Christmas Carols, Christmas movies, TV specials, time with friends and family, hot chocolate, presents, eggnog and lists.

What do all these things have in common?

They are my favourite things about this time of year. But today, I shall focus on lists; I love lists and the end of the calendar year is when lists are rampant and full of trivia from the year. I love a good, "best albums of 2012", "best / worst dressed of 2012" and even "biggest news stories of 2012". They remind me what happened, and what, in the grand scheme, really didn't matter.

I'm not alone in my love for lists, so I bring to you today a list of my top 5 2012 lists.

1. Spinner Best Albums of 2012

2. Huffington Post Best Movies of 2012

3. Oprah's Favourite Things 2012

4. NPR Best Books of 2012

5. Top 24 Most Inspiring Photos of 2012

And as an added bonus... Time Top 10 Everything of 2012

Batman, Eddie Murphy and amazing analogies

Today is Halloween...candy, costumes, Charlie Brown, drunken idiots and, jack-O-lanterns, I'm sure you've heard of it.

My plans include sitting in my suite watching TV wrapped in a toga (a bedsheet)  and handing out candy (or rather, what's left of the candy...whoops)

By far my favourite part of Halloween is the TV...I LOVE a good Halloween episode, most recently the Halloween episodes of Community. I love Community and this year the world of this wonderful TV show has been screwed around more than (prepare yourself, analogy of the year headed your way) those stupid screws that hold batteries in things (you know the ones...are the batteries so out of control that they can't just be held in with a sliding piece of plastic). The creator of the show has been booted by NBC and despite having the original season air date of October 19th, it did not return. Today brings news that it'll supposedly return mid-season. To that I say "pshaw, I'll believe it when I see it!"

So in defence of one of the best sitcoms ever, I shall share some of their Halloween greatness with you now.

Season 1:

Season 2:  

(yes that is Ken Jeong, Mr. Chow from the Hangover, dressed as...Peggy Flemming at the 1968 winter Olympics)

The season 3 Halloween Episode needs to be viewed in it's entirety to be funny, but I will tell you it includes a Coolio look alike, Vampires, and some urban legends.

In lieu of a clip from the season 3 episode, I'll give you this out-take...questions Troy always wanted to ask Batman

Happy Halloween!!! #sixseasonsandamovie

Vapid celebrities?

Judgement is human nature. We, as humans, have to make judgements about people immediately in order to know whether they are a threat or not. I know it now goes beyond that and can become a problem when people become overly judgemental but I tend to be a little bit judgey.

People that we tend to enjoy judging are celebrities, we decide we know them from their public persona, the roles they play or the music they write. I'm sure, on occasion  the person we think they are isn't too far from the truth because that persons acting ability isn't enough to disguise their true personality (see Kristen Stewart or Jennifer Anniston - it's impossible that EVERY script calls for her to BE Rachel Green).

Some celebrities will surprise you however. Today I will give you some examples:

1. Dolph Lundgren (Action star)

(I was going to write about him, but then I found that so...I chose the lazy path)

2. Mayim Bialik (Blossom and Amy Farrah Fowler from Big Bang)

You may have thought she was just excellent and spewing science-y sounding words on The Big Bang Theory but she actually has a Ph.D. in Neuroscience  so she's probably the only one on the show who has any idea what she's talking about when it comes to being a Neurobiologist.

3. J.K. Rowling (do I need to tell you, author of Harry Potter)

J.K. Rowling is the one of the richest authors of all time not to mention one of the richest people in the world. She was a billionaire (did you catch that "was"). Here is the surprising information - J.K. Rowling was REMOVED from Forbes' World Billionaire list because she pays such high taxes - she's said that the reason she doesn't live in a mansion in Monaco is because when she was poor she lived on government money so she feels she owes the country to stay there and pay her taxes.'s the best part...she's donated so much to charities that she is no longer a billionaire. It is estimated that she has given approximately $160 million to charitable causes including over $15 mil. to Multiple Sclerosis research, the disease which killed her mother.

When J.K. Rowling decided to release the Harry Potter books as audio books and eBooks there were cries all over the internet of "doesn't she have enough money" and "just another money grab" so, I hope those people are silenced with this information. I have no problem buying a book from a woman who is so philanthropic.

"We are all made out of shipwrecks..."

FACT. I love music, I understand that pretty much every online biography, whether it be on facebook or eharmony or whatever, usually includes that sentence. But seriously, I LOVE music. I could not live without it. It houses memories and senses and feelings and happiness and depression and helps me express anger and frustration and fear. It has smells and colours and emotions of its own. I would choose to be blind before I would give up my ability to hear music. Any movie about music, centered around music or with a decent soundtrack will grab my attention. I don't like or dislike certain genres and I try not to dismiss artists because they are top 40. If I like a song I'll listen to it regardless of the track info. I would rather listen to THESE songs on repeat than never hear music again. Music has been my worst enemy, my truest love and a best friend. I believe music is an extension of poetry and therefore I consider poems to be the base form of music.

FACT 2: This is the most personal, walls down post on this blog so far. The reason is a piece of music I found today. It's actually a spoken word poem (see above.) I have heard many musicians say they have a piece of music or a lyric they wish they had written, this is one of those for me. There is a tiny amount of background music, no melody, but his voice is instrumental, rhythmic and emotive and those elements make it music to me.

The band is "Listener"; they are, in fact, a spoken word band born from a hip-hop collective. They refer to themselves as "Talk Music". The song is "Wooden Heart" check them out here

This song is about a dream Dan had, about a coastline town that wanted to build a church but didn't have the lumber. So they salvaged wood from wrecked ships and built one. This is poetry, art, and pure passion. 

While I have you here, you should check out the first song / spoken word that convinced me spoken word poems are music.


If I asked the 10 people I know, "what is worst part of any video game you've played?" I bet at least 7 of them would say "the water levels". I understand this would be an easy task considering I could just send a mass text and wait for responses but really, deep down, you know I'm right and I know I'm right so there's no need to check.

Regardless of my thesis being unsupported, I believe the water level is the worst part of video games and I'm fairly certain you agree (I'm mostly talking the ones where the task is to run right and jump on baddies to kill them).

If you aren't already nodding you head in complete agreement of my statement, let me refresh your memory.

1. Super Mario Bros.

2. Super Mario Bros. 3

3. Super Mario World

(etc. seriously Mario, no one likes when you swim so just stop, you're a plumber find some sewers or other pipes to run through)

4. Donkey Kong Country

I'm not going to continue because I'm sure you already had the idea before I started posting pictures. If I had a nickel for every time I threw a controller at the TV because a stupid fish killed me I'd have at least $2.00. Seriously, what fish is going to chase after a human or 2 monkeys on a swordfish? And which oyster spits out powerful, killer pearls at perfectly timed intervals?

Now, to liven up this water logged post I will share an old favourite of mine. This is Group X with "Mario Twins" (pay close attention to the lameness of the water level music) 

"Future you is just past you with new molecules..."

I haven't been 16 for 11.5 years (its probably closer to 11.75 years, but I'm not 7 so I don't count that closely, always.) In fact, I don't remember a WHOLE lot of specifics about being 16. I had friends, I stressed about math and science class, I had a decent boyfriend (the first of 2 that would someday tell me he's gay), I got my drivers license and a car (my parents were worried a cougar was going to eat me while I waited for a bus to go to school 40 minutes from my house) and I was well into my love affair with playing and listening to music. Things I thought were going to ruin my life are now long forgotten and memories I thought I'd never relinquish are barely hanging on (thank goodness for my obsessive photo taking in high school). 16 was when I decided to be a music teacher, 17 was when I decided not to be a music teacher.

If I were write myself at 16 a letter, the only thing I can think to include is the advice to enjoy being 16 in 2001. In a world before over zealous airport security and border guards, before needing a passport to travel to the US. A time before an over reliance on cell phones, when Google invited you to search through only 1,326,920,000 webpages (now just searching "music" brings up over 8 billion results). On a personal note, I'd tell myself to enjoy freedom from student loans, enjoy having a very supportive family (although nagging at times). I would also remind myself to take one last, long look at Alex Trebek's moustache on Sept. 21st he would appear without it for the 1st time.

This whole entry was inspired by a fantastic video I found of a rapper / poet named George Watsky who is MUCH more eloquent than I. Every word he says is true, and beautifully spoken. I'm not 16 but he definitely inspires me and so I share him with you today.

What would you tell your 16 year old self?

Mind Blowing 101: 12 Minutes to Feeling Simultaneously Dumber and Smarter

This man, affectionately known to the internet as "black science guy", blows my mind. My scientific knowledge does not really exist beyond Bill Nye the Science Guy and The Big Bang Theory but this man, Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson, makes things clear to me and never fails to blow my mind.

Not only is he brilliant but he is also an excellent, charismatic, speaker. Which you'll discover after this....


How do you feel about aliens?

There are three well known facts about me (this is a total lie, at most 1 of these facts could be considered WELL KNOWN, the other two are known by people who really know me well, and I don't think something being a fact to 5-7 people is considered "well known")

1. I have no sense of direction
2. I saw Twilight in theatre 10 times and to this day cannot explain why as I clearly understand how terrible it really is.
3. I hate movies which end with the solution / resolution / answer etc. being "IT WAS ALIENS!" See the Indian Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull for an example. It is important to remember that I do not dislike alien movies, I dislike movies that are going along all suspenseful and good but then end with the writers not being creative enough / too lazy to come up with something better than aliens. It feels like a cop out or, for the English teachers out there, is it a deus ex machina

deus ex machina (play /ˈd.əs ɛks ˈmɑːknə/ or /ˈdəs ɛks ˈmækɨnə/ day-əs eks mah-kee-nə;[1] Latin: "god from the machine"; plural: dei ex machina) is a plot device whereby a seemingly unsolvable problem is suddenly and abruptly solved with the contrived and unexpected intervention of some new event, character, ability, or object (thanks wikipedia)
I believe that aliens exist, I believe it is a little (or a little more than a little) arrogant to absolutely deny the existence of another intelligent being in the universe. I believe the universe is far to vast to assume anything about it. Part of these beliefs surfaced and became apparent to me after watching this video and having my mind blown by Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson, the black science guy.

Won't you take 12 minutes and listen to the man and have your mind blown too?

A Sucker for Musicals

That's me, a sucker for musicals. I love them, always have. Rocked out to Grease millions of times as a child / pre-teen / teen...I still do really, come on! Who doesn't love Grease. I've even appreciated Grease 2 (if you didn't know it existed check out "Reproduction" from Grease, it's hilarious...actually you know what, I'll save you the time here it is...

Where the original Grease attempted to be a little subtle about the numerous sexual references (and there are A LOT) Grease 2 is beyond hiding anything and just throws it out there on the table with a corn song sung by actors who are CLEARLY waaaay to old to be in highschool still. And yes, that is Michelle Pfeiffer.

But unveiled references to sexuality is NOT why I've gathered you here today, not even close. 

If any of you have seen the trailer for the new Les Miserables film you are either super excited (like me) or making plans to avoid the theatres all together (you know who you are, musical haters).

So, for those of you who happen to be thrilled, this video could possibly boost your excitement just that little bit more. 

Typically when musicals are filmed, the actors go into a recording studio long before stepping on set to sing their songs then, during filming they simply lip sync to their own voices. In this Les Mis, that is not the case.  Watch this video to discover why this film is going to be more evocative and emotional than most musicals you've ever seen...I'd explain it but wouldn't you rather listen to Hugh Jackman? 


Well, I'm humanly...but during the night as well...

It's currently at #11 on the Billboard chart, the dance is infectious, the song is painfully catchy, you've probably heard it, I'm probably WAAAY behind, but here it is...GANGNAM STYLE

So, now that you have it stuck in your head, how would you like to know what it's all about...that's right folks provided here for the first time I've seen (though, to be honest, I haven't looked anywhere else) is the translation to accompany the video.

Oppa is Gangnam style
Gangnam style
A girl who is warm and humanly during the day
A classy girl who know how to enjoy the freedom of a cup of coffee
A girl whose heart gets hotter when night comes
A girl with that kind of twist
I’m a guy
A guy who is as warm as you during the day
A guy who one-shots his coffee before it even cools down
A guy whose heart bursts when night comes
That kind of guy
Beautiful, loveable
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey
Beautiful, loveable
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey
Now let’s go until the end
Oppa is Gangnam style, Gangnam style
Oppa is Gangnam style, Gangnam style
Oppa is Gangnam style
Eh- Sexy Lady, Oppa is Gangnam style
Eh- Sexy Lady oh oh oh oh
A girl who looks quiet but plays when she plays
A girl who puts her hair down when the right time comes
A girl who covers herself but is more sexy than a girl who bares it all
A sensable girl like that
I’m a guy
A guy who seems calm but plays when he plays
A guy who goes completely crazy when the right time comes
A guy who has bulging ideas rather than muscles
That kind of guy
Beautiful, loveable
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey
Beautiful, loveable
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey
Now let’s go until the end
Oppa is Gangnam style, Gangnam style
Oppa is Gangnam style, Gangnam style
Oppa is Gangnam style
Eh- Sexy Lady, Oppa is Gangnam style
Eh- Sexy Lady oh oh oh oh
On top of the running man is the flying man, baby baby
I’m a man who knows a thing or two
On top of the running man is the flying man, baby baby
I’m a man who knows a thing or two
You know what I’m saying
Oppa is Gangnam style
Eh- Sexy Lady, Oppa is Gangnam style
Eh- Sexy Lady oh oh oh oh

"He's Codfish Joe..."

They've done it again, the folks at Bad Lip Reading. I LOVED the Twilight one so much that when I saw they had released a Hunger Games Bad Lip Reading I was thrilled and excited to share it with the world (because I'm that popular, I reach those kinds of audiences).

So here it be honest it doesn't start too strong (I'm not a huge fan of bathroom comedy, just don't find it that funny) but it gets better.

If the iPhone was Derek Zoolander or a surf dude with attitude

I am self-righteous, kinda, well not really but I'm definitely a hypocrite. I talk an excellent game about the importance of face-to-face social interaction and dependence on technology but honestly I'm just as much a sucker as the next guy.

Do I need the iPhone 5? Is is different in any significant way from my iPhone 4s? No, not at all. But, do I want one? Yes, I want to accommodate an extra row of apps and shoot marginally better photos dammit!

I however, understand my financial limitations and count myself lucky that I escaped a £600 cancellation fee when I left the UK so I will not splurge and buy myself an iPhone 5...not until my contract expires at least. But by then the iPhone 7 should be out; then days after I get my shiny iPhone 7 the 7S will be released and I'll have tech-envy for another 2 weeks.

Uh oh, I feel a tangent coming on...

Now, if I could find this amazing iPhone, I would totally buy it because honestly who doesn't want to be a modern day Zack Morris? As a side note, did anyone else want Zack to cross over and join California Dreams so he could rock out in California with the band?

Seriously, he was so dreamy...


Land of Occasionally Wrong?

It's official, to my great embarrassment I have been wrong on my blog. In yesterdays post I stated that the moose was on the Canadian quarter and I was oh so wrong. If it makes things any better, I actually DID know that the animal on the Canadian quarter was a caribou but apparently that information has lapsed and was replaced with more useless information such as the fact that as part of his divorte settlement, David Hasselhoff kept possession of the nickname "Hoff" and the catchphrase "don't Hassle the Hoff".

Caribou...not a moose.
David Hasselhoff, also not a moose; more like a stone cold FOX  (gross)
So apologies for my error - it only serves to strengthen my argument about moose not existing. Also, thank you to Carrie for catching my error as it is incredibly inappropriate for a blog titled "The Land of Knotwrong" to include such a glaring error.

Moosicorn: My reasons to believe Moose do not exist.

Is it a unicorn? Is it a moose? It doesn't matter they both do not exist.

Here are the facts:

FACT: I grew up on Vancouver Island where there are no moose, they aren't allowed on the ferry, even as walk on passengers.

FACT: Moose are native to Canada, they're on the quarter so they most be important, and real.

FACT: Moose are aggressive and HUGE, a very dangerous combination especially when you get in their way on the highway

                       (as a side note, if one has you stopped on the road, do NOT honk - see "aggressive" above.                  
                        My aunt honked at a moose once, it took the grill off the front of her car)

FACT: The Saskatchewan city of Moose Jaw (where my Mom was raised) has a brown elephant-like representation of a moose. It gets awkward when you compare it's legs and shape to that of a "real" moose.

FACT: The further north you go in Canada the more prevalent Moose become. Encounters in populated areas become more likely in hunting season (the fall)

Now that you have the facts, I shall tell you my story...

I have never seen a moose. Since birth I have taken nearly 7 road trips between BC and Ontario (through many moose-rich areas), no moose encounters ever (always a good thing when driving).  While completing my education degree I spent a total of 15 weeks in Northern BC (Prince George) 13 of those weeks during Moose season. In Prince George I heard the following repeatedly, "go up to the University, there are always TONS of moose up there" - I did as I was told, still no moose. In the summer of 2011 I travelled to Nova Scotia and went to the Shubenacadie Wildlife Park which usually has a Moose on display for all people to see. I read this information on the park map upon entrance and said to myself "FINALLY, I shall see the famed moose" - the moose is the last animal on the map and I spent the afternoon in eager anticipation of seeing said moose. We round the corner, my heart racing and eyes filling with tears when I see the sign "unfortunately Mildred* the moose has recently passed..."

Here we sit, 1 year past that fateful day in Shubie and I have still not seen a moose. What other conclusion could I come to than the conclusion that the moose, much like the unicorn, does not exist.

(*names changed because I don't remember the dead moose's name)

"Ahoy, and other nautical expressions!"

I know you're all dying to know what my favourite Disney movie is and this is where you find out...ready?

Alice in Wonderland. The cartoon, not the Tim Burton one. I love the humour, I love how dark it is, I love the music and I love the Queen of Hearts.

You perhaps had noticed (if you're a fan as fanatical as me) that the title of this post is a quote from the film...the Dodo says it (watch later for a weak connection from the title to the end of the post).

In grade 2 I was in the school production of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" in which I skilfully portrayed the doormouse, spent my part of the play popping out of a tea pot and saying, "Twinkle, twinkle little bat, how I wonder where you're at... etc."

OK, let's take a serious second (or even TWO) to appreciate everything this brilliantly dark Disney film has to offer: tweedle-dum and tweedle-dee, the white rabbit, Alice herself, the Mad Hatter and March Hare, the Cheshire Cat, the Caterpillar (totally stoned), the vicious flowers, the momewraths, the walrus and the carpenter and The Queen of Hearts - its just full of amazing parts which are just as good viewed separately as they are all strung together.

For those of you who do not remember, the momewraths are these things... (I'd choose a longer clip but I know for a fact that this part of the film scares at least one member of my audience, and lets face it, I need to hold on to all of you)

(By the way, while finding video of the momewraths I found this...and if anyone has crochet skill or wants to spend money on ETSY, feel free to provide me with one of these....
Use the comments section and tell me what your favourite Disney movie is or if you're an anti-Disney person, just tell me your favourite movie is, I'm open to that sort of thing too.)

As a bonus if you haven't heard of POGO, he is an electronic musician who takes sounds from movies and turns them into infectious music that you'll probably love, even if you don't love electronic music, like me.

One of my favourites is from Alice in Wonderland and is cleverly titles "Alice"...

As ANOTHER bonus here is a link for links to download every Disney movie ever (I totally don't condone piracy. Aye matey. - get it, nautical expressions...thanks for hanging on for that)

Ain't going back to Barton Hollow

Another music recommendation; you may have heard Poison & Wine by this band, The Civil Wars, but if you haven't listened further than that, now is the time.

The Civil Wars opened for Adele on her last tour and have quickly been gaining recognition since. They're folk, they're rock, they awesome. 

Aside from some of their own spectacular music, they've also covered "Dance Me to the End of Love" by Leonard Cohen, a personal favourite of mine.

I've posted The Civil Wars NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert video (if you haven't seen of the Tiny Desk Concerts I suggest checking them all out - especially Glen Hansard's and Adele's)

The second video is their cover of "Dance Me to the End of Love"


Here is a quandary for you, well not so much a quandary but more of a question...

Why, if the full word is "REFRIGERATOR" do we shorten it to "FRIDGE" and not "FRIGE"?

Where does the D come from?

That's not really what this whole post is about, well, it is about fridges but not about the spelling of the word.

I saw this online the other day and it blew my mind!

As far as I know, it doesn't exist yet, but seriously how friggin cool is that!

The future is now people. Ok, side come we aren't wearing tinfoil. When my Dad was a kid and he imagined the future everyone was wearing silver all the time and cars were flying...neither of those things are true and apart from Lady Gaga no one is fashioning outfits from old aluminium cans.

Actually, I think I've answered my own question on that one...THIS is why we aren't wearing suits of metal

That wasn't about fridges at all...

Happy Little PBS

I know you've all watched hours of PBS - you may think you haven't but here is a list:

Sesame Street, Mr. Rogers Neighbourhood, Reading Rainbow, The Big Comfy Couch, Theodore Tugboat, Ghost Writer,  The Magic School Bus, Bill Nye the Science Guy, Polka Dot Door, Antiques Roadshow, Austin City Limits, Downton Abbey (this one's new), Mr. Bean, Arthur, Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego, and most importantly The Joy of Painting.

Bob Ross, the happiest (or most stoned) man alive. He's become a HUGH celebrity of PBS - LOOK, he has T-Shirts (and I know you'll all want one)...

So lets take a minute to appreciate the joy that is Bob Ross, The Happy Painter while we simultaneously see what PBS has resorted to in an attempt to gain a younger auidence.

The Happy Painter, REMIXED!!!


"Love actually is all around..."

Today I miss my university room-mates, the 769. So today, I'm going to show you 2 videos one made me think of the other.

The first is the opening scene from one of my favourite movies (and FAVOURITE Christmas movie) Love Actually (As today is the 11th anniversary of the September 11 attacks it is especially poignant) 

What brought me to think of this video in September was stumbling upon this second video. If this doesn't make you smile a little you're probably made of stone...maybe. Yes, I realize it's an ad, but it's still sweet...

Take a minute today to think of someone you haven't thought about in a while. They probably miss you too!

Sorry Voldemort, you probably won't be interested...

Eyebrows, we've all got 'em (some of us have brow ridges too). Recently I saw a thing that was celebrities without their eyebrows and they all looked ridiculous, then I saw a photo of Anthony Davis, the NBA player with his eyebrows and I was inspired.

I shall start at one end of the brow spectrum and work my way to the other.

I begin with Voldemort (this is officially the first of MANY Harry Potter references to come). He has no eyebrows; more seriously he has no nose, but this is about brows, not noses.

A nice, smiling photo of Voldy, that's rare. See, no eyebrows.  She looks just like Volemort; just add some earrings, eyeliner, and hair and they're twins....I'll show you.

So we've established the importance of eyebrows: If a lack of eyebrows can turn Angelina Jolie into Voldemort, we all need eyebrows.

Now lets discuss location. Where the eyebrows naturally exist is a good start. I'll just let these photos make my point for me...

Now, there are some girls that have taken the habit of completely removing their natural eyebrows (take the lovely lady above for example) but a more natural alternative is to fill them in a bit. I have naturally light eyebrows so sometimes I may darken then a touch so they're actually visible when I have makeup on.

An alternative to filling them in gently is this...

The Scouse Brow. People who live in Liverpool are referred to as "scouse" in England. There is a reality show called "Desperate Scousewives" in the UK. This woman is one of those Scouswives and she has popularized this look (if you want to call it that) for eyebrows. Now, I've never been to Liverpool so I'm not entirely sure just HOW popular it is there. That said, when I was teaching in Kent the teenage girls seemed to cling to this eyebrow look almost as much as they were clinging to their Essex-orange skin (Google Amy from The Only Way Is Essex, a spray tanner who gives her clients advice on acceptable levels of orange)

Out of dedication to this blog and my pursuit of knowledge I thought it would be beneficial to give this look a try. I shouldn't "knock it 'til I try it" they say...

Personally I think it's a nice change for me...I just may make this a permanent part of my make up routine...

Luckily for some, this look is natural and should be embraced...take for example the previously mentioned Anthony Davis, who has become more famous for his eyebrows than he is for his basketball career.

Drink Beer, Forget Couch Filling.

If you've yet to discover Pinterest I envy your level of either productivity or disconnect with the online world. I, like many, am addicted to Pinterest. Sometimes I even attempt the things I've seen on Pinterest.

For example, a couple days ago I made this single serving mug cake...

It turned out gorgeously and totally looked like a cake and not at all like a pile of crumbs on a plate with some Nutella on top (which is 100% a lie, because THIS is an actual photo of the cake I made...)

Lets pretend I DIDN'T complete photography school and that this photo is the expected quality of a person who does not hold a diploma in professional photography

Regardless of it's wretched appearance it did taste good and definitely conquered my chocolate craving so I can't complain too much. 

Anyway, I didn't come here to tell you about my chocolate disaster or my quickly deteriorating photography skills, I came to talk about washing your hair with beer. 

According to beauty blogs and Seventeen magazine, if you wash your hair with beer it'll make it soft and give it volume.  So this is my natural hair (apologies for the quality, it's like trying to photograph the Sasquatch). Due to it's contradictory frizzy-flatness I decided to give the beer washing a try. 

T'was not a success; not only was the room temperature beer surprisingly cold in the shower, I ended up smelling of beer despite rinsing thoroughly and still having the conundrum that is my hair (seriously, it has an internal struggle between being stuck to my head and being so fine and frizzy it looks like couch stuffing).

So, here is my beauty tip. Drink the beer until you don't care about your couch filling hairdo.

Hippolas Cage


Bahamas, Canada

Although I do have a weak sense of direction and I slept through Canadian Geography 106 in University I do know that The Bahamas are not in Canada and vice-a-verse.

Today's post is another music recommendation. This time via my friend Tracy and her excursion to the Edmonton Folk Fest.

Tracy is very proud that I've grown to love Bahamas because it is rare that it is her recommending music to me and not the other way around. So, I pass this knowledge onto you with a stern reminder that this was Tracy's find and boy what a good one it was.

As this discovery belongs to Tracy I will give you the sample she would recommend, a song called "Lost in the Light". (I have it on good authority that she has been "OBSESSED with "Lost in the Light" since I heard them")

Check out Bahamas on their VERY cool website:

*As a quick side note, this friend I've mentioned, Tracy, is a nurse and a fantastic person. She currently works at Cross Cancer Institute in Edmonton, so kudos to her for her noble work! (I clearly don't tell her I'm proud of her often enough)

From "Motorcycle Enthusiasts" to Music Fans

Time for a good ol'fashioned music recomendation! But first, there shall be a brief interlude filled with intrigue and suspense.

For those of you who do not know, I've recently(ish) returned from a brief tenure of living in a small town called Gravesend which is in Kent, United Kingdom. Now, before you ask: yes, the town was about as dreadful as it's morbid name; however, Pocahontas supposedly died there (That's intriguing, right?) 

While I was there my super awesome friend Katie was also in England in the much more "happenin'" city of Birmingham. It was her who ultimately brought me to the discovery I will share with you today, but NOT YET!! (See, there's suspense too!)

Katie convinced me to begin watching the FX show Sons of Anarchy, which is HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend, it's so fantastic get to look at this...

But seriously, check out the show (even if he isn't your taste - but really how could he not be?) you will not be disappointed. In addition to superb scripts and wonderful acting this show also has a plethora of amazing music to be discovered which is what gathers us here today.

On an episode of this show I heard a fantastic piece of music and said, "self, that's a FANTASTIC piece of music, you must hasten to discover what it is!" (Yes, that is how I talk to myself, I'm an English teacher, would you expect any less?) So I pulled out my phone and used the handy-dandy app (Shazam) and found out it was "Family" by Noah Gundersen! 

So, long story short I've fallen in love with the music of Mr. Gundersen and I wish you would as well.  I've included a YouTube video of him singing the aforementioned song. Give it a listen, fall in love, watch Sons of Anarchy and thank me later (but really, sooner rather than later.)

Snooki's Family Circus?

Of all the comic strips in the Sunday funnies none are less funny than the Family Circus. Take this one for example...

Do all the Keane children spend time trying to eat their own clothing? If you learn anything here is should be the value of a good education.

I was going to actually write about this but I found another blog while I was researching that sums it up...Comics I Don't Understand

These children aren't funny, the upset me and make me worry about the future nearly as much as Snooki's child. Stay in school kids.

Go away Lloyd Dobler.

Imagine, if you will, you've had a crap day. Work sucked, there's nothing good to eat in the fridge, it's a bad night for TV, the weather sucked and other not so great things. You just feel "meh." So, you browse the internet, maybe go on Pinterest and stumble across something like this...

Suddenly your mood lifts and you feel chipper and happy and can drop the bad mood like it's hot. HA!


One of my favorite movie quotes is from "Say Anything" (see photo if you're drawing a blank) John Cusack's character, Lloyd Dobler (best name ever) looks at his sister (real life and movie) and says, 

"Why can't you be in a good mood? How hard is it to decide to be in a good mood and be in a good mood once in a while?" 

Those motivational posters / sayings / quotes etc. are the Lloyd Dobler of this situation. 

If I'm in a bad mood I want to be in a bad mood and therefore your weak efforts to motivate me into a good mood are pointless and ultimately unwelcome. Sometimes a bad mood is necessary, it's cathartic. 

I wish now to compare motivational slogans to another item I despise  - "baby on board" signs in the back of a car. WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO ACCOMPLISH! The only use I can see for these is making me check your back seat when you leave your car parked in the Walmart parking lot when it's hot (I actually do this on occasion).  That said, I do drive around with the intent to rear-end, t-bone and side swipe every car I see (I've played Grand Theft Auto) so it's best if you warn me about precious cargo before I get to you.

Now, I attempt to motivate you to buy me this sweater...

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