Is it a unicorn? Is it a moose? It doesn't matter they both do not exist.

Here are the facts:

FACT: I grew up on Vancouver Island where there are no moose, they aren't allowed on the ferry, even as walk on passengers.

FACT: Moose are native to Canada, they're on the quarter so they most be important, and real.

FACT: Moose are aggressive and HUGE, a very dangerous combination especially when you get in their way on the highway

                       (as a side note, if one has you stopped on the road, do NOT honk - see "aggressive" above.                  
                        My aunt honked at a moose once, it took the grill off the front of her car)

FACT: The Saskatchewan city of Moose Jaw (where my Mom was raised) has a brown elephant-like representation of a moose. It gets awkward when you compare it's legs and shape to that of a "real" moose.

FACT: The further north you go in Canada the more prevalent Moose become. Encounters in populated areas become more likely in hunting season (the fall)

Now that you have the facts, I shall tell you my story...

I have never seen a moose. Since birth I have taken nearly 7 road trips between BC and Ontario (through many moose-rich areas), no moose encounters ever (always a good thing when driving).  While completing my education degree I spent a total of 15 weeks in Northern BC (Prince George) 13 of those weeks during Moose season. In Prince George I heard the following repeatedly, "go up to the University, there are always TONS of moose up there" - I did as I was told, still no moose. In the summer of 2011 I travelled to Nova Scotia and went to the Shubenacadie Wildlife Park which usually has a Moose on display for all people to see. I read this information on the park map upon entrance and said to myself "FINALLY, I shall see the famed moose" - the moose is the last animal on the map and I spent the afternoon in eager anticipation of seeing said moose. We round the corner, my heart racing and eyes filling with tears when I see the sign "unfortunately Mildred* the moose has recently passed..."

Here we sit, 1 year past that fateful day in Shubie and I have still not seen a moose. What other conclusion could I come to than the conclusion that the moose, much like the unicorn, does not exist.

(*names changed because I don't remember the dead moose's name)