I am self-righteous, kinda, well not really but I'm definitely a hypocrite. I talk an excellent game about the importance of face-to-face social interaction and dependence on technology but honestly I'm just as much a sucker as the next guy.

Do I need the iPhone 5? Is is different in any significant way from my iPhone 4s? No, not at all. But, do I want one? Yes, I want to accommodate an extra row of apps and shoot marginally better photos dammit!

I however, understand my financial limitations and count myself lucky that I escaped a £600 cancellation fee when I left the UK so I will not splurge and buy myself an iPhone 5...not until my contract expires at least. But by then the iPhone 7 should be out; then days after I get my shiny iPhone 7 the 7S will be released and I'll have tech-envy for another 2 weeks.

Uh oh, I feel a tangent coming on...

Now, if I could find this amazing iPhone, I would totally buy it because honestly who doesn't want to be a modern day Zack Morris? As a side note, did anyone else want Zack to cross over and join California Dreams so he could rock out in California with the band?

Seriously, he was so dreamy...