That's me, a sucker for musicals. I love them, always have. Rocked out to Grease millions of times as a child / pre-teen / teen...I still do really, come on! Who doesn't love Grease. I've even appreciated Grease 2 (if you didn't know it existed check out "Reproduction" from Grease, it's hilarious...actually you know what, I'll save you the time here it is...

Where the original Grease attempted to be a little subtle about the numerous sexual references (and there are A LOT) Grease 2 is beyond hiding anything and just throws it out there on the table with a corn song sung by actors who are CLEARLY waaaay to old to be in highschool still. And yes, that is Michelle Pfeiffer.

But unveiled references to sexuality is NOT why I've gathered you here today, not even close. 

If any of you have seen the trailer for the new Les Miserables film you are either super excited (like me) or making plans to avoid the theatres all together (you know who you are, musical haters).

So, for those of you who happen to be thrilled, this video could possibly boost your excitement just that little bit more. 

Typically when musicals are filmed, the actors go into a recording studio long before stepping on set to sing their songs then, during filming they simply lip sync to their own voices. In this Les Mis, that is not the case.  Watch this video to discover why this film is going to be more evocative and emotional than most musicals you've ever seen...I'd explain it but wouldn't you rather listen to Hugh Jackman?