Time for a good ol'fashioned music recomendation! But first, there shall be a brief interlude filled with intrigue and suspense.

For those of you who do not know, I've recently(ish) returned from a brief tenure of living in a small town called Gravesend which is in Kent, United Kingdom. Now, before you ask: yes, the town was about as dreadful as it's morbid name; however, Pocahontas supposedly died there (That's intriguing, right?) 

While I was there my super awesome friend Katie was also in England in the much more "happenin'" city of Birmingham. It was her who ultimately brought me to the discovery I will share with you today, but NOT YET!! (See, there's suspense too!)

Katie convinced me to begin watching the FX show Sons of Anarchy, which is HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend, it's so fantastic and...AND...you get to look at this...

But seriously, check out the show (even if he isn't your taste - but really how could he not be?) you will not be disappointed. In addition to superb scripts and wonderful acting this show also has a plethora of amazing music to be discovered which is what gathers us here today.

On an episode of this show I heard a fantastic piece of music and said, "self, that's a FANTASTIC piece of music, you must hasten to discover what it is!" (Yes, that is how I talk to myself, I'm an English teacher, would you expect any less?) So I pulled out my phone and used the handy-dandy app (Shazam) and found out it was "Family" by Noah Gundersen! 

So, long story short I've fallen in love with the music of Mr. Gundersen and I wish you would as well.  I've included a YouTube video of him singing the aforementioned song. Give it a listen, fall in love, watch Sons of Anarchy and thank me later (but really, sooner rather than later.)