Eyebrows, we've all got 'em (some of us have brow ridges too). Recently I saw a thing that was celebrities without their eyebrows and they all looked ridiculous, then I saw a photo of Anthony Davis, the NBA player with his eyebrows and I was inspired.

I shall start at one end of the brow spectrum and work my way to the other.

I begin with Voldemort (this is officially the first of MANY Harry Potter references to come). He has no eyebrows; more seriously he has no nose, but this is about brows, not noses.

A nice, smiling photo of Voldy, that's rare. See, no eyebrows.  She looks just like Volemort; just add some earrings, eyeliner, and hair and they're twins....I'll show you.

So we've established the importance of eyebrows: If a lack of eyebrows can turn Angelina Jolie into Voldemort, we all need eyebrows.

Now lets discuss location. Where the eyebrows naturally exist is a good start. I'll just let these photos make my point for me...

Now, there are some girls that have taken the habit of completely removing their natural eyebrows (take the lovely lady above for example) but a more natural alternative is to fill them in a bit. I have naturally light eyebrows so sometimes I may darken then a touch so they're actually visible when I have makeup on.

An alternative to filling them in gently is this...

The Scouse Brow. People who live in Liverpool are referred to as "scouse" in England. There is a reality show called "Desperate Scousewives" in the UK. This woman is one of those Scouswives and she has popularized this look (if you want to call it that) for eyebrows. Now, I've never been to Liverpool so I'm not entirely sure just HOW popular it is there. That said, when I was teaching in Kent the teenage girls seemed to cling to this eyebrow look almost as much as they were clinging to their Essex-orange skin (Google Amy from The Only Way Is Essex, a spray tanner who gives her clients advice on acceptable levels of orange)

Out of dedication to this blog and my pursuit of knowledge I thought it would be beneficial to give this look a try. I shouldn't "knock it 'til I try it" they say...

Personally I think it's a nice change for me...I just may make this a permanent part of my make up routine...

Luckily for some, this look is natural and should be embraced...take for example the previously mentioned Anthony Davis, who has become more famous for his eyebrows than he is for his basketball career.