If you've yet to discover Pinterest I envy your level of either productivity or disconnect with the online world. I, like many, am addicted to Pinterest. Sometimes I even attempt the things I've seen on Pinterest.

For example, a couple days ago I made this single serving mug cake...

It turned out gorgeously and totally looked like a cake and not at all like a pile of crumbs on a plate with some Nutella on top (which is 100% a lie, because THIS is an actual photo of the cake I made...)

Lets pretend I DIDN'T complete photography school and that this photo is the expected quality of a person who does not hold a diploma in professional photography

Regardless of it's wretched appearance it did taste good and definitely conquered my chocolate craving so I can't complain too much. 

Anyway, I didn't come here to tell you about my chocolate disaster or my quickly deteriorating photography skills, I came to talk about washing your hair with beer. 

According to beauty blogs and Seventeen magazine, if you wash your hair with beer it'll make it soft and give it volume.  So this is my natural hair (apologies for the quality, it's like trying to photograph the Sasquatch). Due to it's contradictory frizzy-flatness I decided to give the beer washing a try. 

T'was not a success; not only was the room temperature beer surprisingly cold in the shower, I ended up smelling of beer despite rinsing thoroughly and still having the conundrum that is my hair (seriously, it has an internal struggle between being stuck to my head and being so fine and frizzy it looks like couch stuffing).

So, here is my beauty tip. Drink the beer until you don't care about your couch filling hairdo.