This man, affectionately known to the internet as "black science guy", blows my mind. My scientific knowledge does not really exist beyond Bill Nye the Science Guy and The Big Bang Theory but this man, Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson, makes things clear to me and never fails to blow my mind.

Not only is he brilliant but he is also an excellent, charismatic, speaker. Which you'll discover after this....


How do you feel about aliens?

There are three well known facts about me (this is a total lie, at most 1 of these facts could be considered WELL KNOWN, the other two are known by people who really know me well, and I don't think something being a fact to 5-7 people is considered "well known")

1. I have no sense of direction
2. I saw Twilight in theatre 10 times and to this day cannot explain why as I clearly understand how terrible it really is.
3. I hate movies which end with the solution / resolution / answer etc. being "IT WAS ALIENS!" See the Indian Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull for an example. It is important to remember that I do not dislike alien movies, I dislike movies that are going along all suspenseful and good but then end with the writers not being creative enough / too lazy to come up with something better than aliens. It feels like a cop out or, for the English teachers out there, is it a deus ex machina

deus ex machina (play /ˈd.əs ɛks ˈmɑːknə/ or /ˈdəs ɛks ˈmækɨnə/ day-əs eks mah-kee-nə;[1] Latin: "god from the machine"; plural: dei ex machina) is a plot device whereby a seemingly unsolvable problem is suddenly and abruptly solved with the contrived and unexpected intervention of some new event, character, ability, or object (thanks wikipedia)
I believe that aliens exist, I believe it is a little (or a little more than a little) arrogant to absolutely deny the existence of another intelligent being in the universe. I believe the universe is far to vast to assume anything about it. Part of these beliefs surfaced and became apparent to me after watching this video and having my mind blown by Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson, the black science guy.

Won't you take 12 minutes and listen to the man and have your mind blown too?