I know you're all dying to know what my favourite Disney movie is and this is where you find out...ready?

Alice in Wonderland. The cartoon, not the Tim Burton one. I love the humour, I love how dark it is, I love the music and I love the Queen of Hearts.

You perhaps had noticed (if you're a fan as fanatical as me) that the title of this post is a quote from the film...the Dodo says it (watch later for a weak connection from the title to the end of the post).

In grade 2 I was in the school production of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" in which I skilfully portrayed the doormouse, spent my part of the play popping out of a tea pot and saying, "Twinkle, twinkle little bat, how I wonder where you're at... etc."

OK, let's take a serious second (or even TWO) to appreciate everything this brilliantly dark Disney film has to offer: tweedle-dum and tweedle-dee, the white rabbit, Alice herself, the Mad Hatter and March Hare, the Cheshire Cat, the Caterpillar (totally stoned), the vicious flowers, the momewraths, the walrus and the carpenter and The Queen of Hearts - its just full of amazing parts which are just as good viewed separately as they are all strung together.

For those of you who do not remember, the momewraths are these things... (I'd choose a longer clip but I know for a fact that this part of the film scares at least one member of my audience, and lets face it, I need to hold on to all of you)

(By the way, while finding video of the momewraths I found this...and if anyone has crochet skill or wants to spend money on ETSY, feel free to provide me with one of these....
Use the comments section and tell me what your favourite Disney movie is or if you're an anti-Disney person, just tell me your favourite movie is, I'm open to that sort of thing too.)

As a bonus if you haven't heard of POGO, he is an electronic musician who takes sounds from movies and turns them into infectious music that you'll probably love, even if you don't love electronic music, like me.

One of my favourites is from Alice in Wonderland and is cleverly titles "Alice"...

As ANOTHER bonus here is a link for links to download every Disney movie ever (I totally don't condone piracy. Aye matey. - get it, nautical expressions...thanks for hanging on for that)