Judgement is human nature. We, as humans, have to make judgements about people immediately in order to know whether they are a threat or not. I know it now goes beyond that and can become a problem when people become overly judgemental but I tend to be a little bit judgey.

People that we tend to enjoy judging are celebrities, we decide we know them from their public persona, the roles they play or the music they write. I'm sure, on occasion  the person we think they are isn't too far from the truth because that persons acting ability isn't enough to disguise their true personality (see Kristen Stewart or Jennifer Anniston - it's impossible that EVERY script calls for her to BE Rachel Green).

Some celebrities will surprise you however. Today I will give you some examples:

1. Dolph Lundgren (Action star)

(I was going to write about him, but then I found that so...I chose the lazy path)

2. Mayim Bialik (Blossom and Amy Farrah Fowler from Big Bang)

You may have thought she was just excellent and spewing science-y sounding words on The Big Bang Theory but she actually has a Ph.D. in Neuroscience  so she's probably the only one on the show who has any idea what she's talking about when it comes to being a Neurobiologist.

3. J.K. Rowling (do I need to tell you, author of Harry Potter)

J.K. Rowling is the one of the richest authors of all time not to mention one of the richest people in the world. She was a billionaire (did you catch that "was"). Here is the surprising information - J.K. Rowling was REMOVED from Forbes' World Billionaire list because she pays such high taxes - she's said that the reason she doesn't live in a mansion in Monaco is because when she was poor she lived on government money so she feels she owes the country to stay there and pay her taxes. Also...here's the best part...she's donated so much to charities that she is no longer a billionaire. It is estimated that she has given approximately $160 million to charitable causes including over $15 mil. to Multiple Sclerosis research, the disease which killed her mother.

When J.K. Rowling decided to release the Harry Potter books as audio books and eBooks there were cries all over the internet of "doesn't she have enough money" and "just another money grab" so, I hope those people are silenced with this information. I have no problem buying a book from a woman who is so philanthropic.